Cleveland neighborhood grades
Many long distance investors look to Cleveland Ohio as a long distance rental portfolio location. This is because the city has a high rental demand & low priced homes.
From afar it is not so easy to pin point exactly what you are buying. This is why many investors use a scale to grade neighborhoods so they can get a feel for what they are buying. So naturally as the go to guy for Cleveland Ohio investing I am asked quite often “what grade neighborhood is this house in? What about this house?”
So here it is. My grades for the neighborhoods in & around the city of Cleveland.
DARK GREEN: A neighborhood
LIGHT GREEN: B neighborhood
YELLOW: C neighborhood
RED: D & F neighborhoods
BLACK STAR: The Holton-Wise Property Group’s office
RED OUTLINE: The Holton-Wise Property Group’s management area
A Neighborhood–Single family homes are almost entirely owner occupied. Single family homes are $150k & up. Single family homes here are too expensive to make any sense for a rental. Multifamily apartment buildings are the only rental properties that would make any sense as a rental property. These will trade with very low cap rates but are great passive investments with little to no issues with the tenants.
Zip code 44149—Median income $82k—City-Strongsville
Zip code 44140—Median income $80k—City-Bay Village
Zip code 44012—Median income $77k—City-Avon Lake
Zip code 44147—Median income $75k—City-Broadview Heights
Zip code 44136—Median income $73k—City-Strongsville
Zip code 44145—Median income $72k—City-Westlake
Zip code 44133—Median income $60k—City-North Royalton
B Neighborhood–Mix of owner occupied single family homes & single family rentals. Owner occupied homes being more common. Single family homes are 60k-120k. You can get some single family homes that need some minor work and get yourself a pretty good rental. Rents are going to be $800-$1,000. Your tenant base is very solid. Some blue collar & some college educated.
Zip code 44134—Median income $49k—City-Parma
Zip code 44129—Median income $49k—City-Parma
Zip code 44142—Median income $49k—City-Brook park
Zip code 44017—Median income $49k—City-Berea
Zip code 44130—Median income $45k—City-Parma Heights/Middleburg Heights
Zip code 44107—Median income $42k—City-Lakewood
Zip code 44144—Median income $39k—City-Brooklyn/Cleveland (Brooklyn side)
C Neighborhood–Mix of owner occupied single family homes & rentals. Rentals being more common. Single family homes are 25k-50k. Rents are going to be $600-$800. Blue collar workers, low income workers, retail, service industry workers, factory workers, SSI & CMHA.
Zip code 44111—Median income $40k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44144—Median income $39k—City-Brooklyn/Cleveland (Cleveland side)
Zip code 44135—Median income $38k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44109—Median income $30k—City-Cleveland***
Zip code 44137—Median income $41k—City-Garfield Heights
Zip code 44105—Median income $28k—City-Newburgh Heights
The north half of 44109 is a D area. The median income level north of the highway (71) is under $30k. The half south of the highway (71) is the good part of this zip code. Median income on the south side is closer to $40k
D Neighborhood–Mostly rentals. Owner occupied single family homes are scarce. Lots of SSI & CMHA. Single family homes are 20k-40k. Rents are going to be $450-$700. Crime is a lot more common.
Zip code 44109—Median income $30k—City-Cleveland***
Zip code 44113—Median income $24k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44102—Median income $23k—City-Cleveland
The north half of 44109 is a D area. The median income level north of the highway (71) is under $30k. The half south of the highway (71) is the good part of this zip code. Median income on the south side is closer to $40k
F Neighborhood–Warzone. Wild West. Empty Houses get stripped of all valuables & sell for almost nothing. Lots of boarded up homes & blocks were many homes were torn down. Total loss is very common. Agent commissions & closing costs will often be higher then the value of the home. Homes in decent condition sell for 15k-40k. Very dangerous areas.
Zip code 44112—Median income $24k—City-East Cleveland
Zip code 44106—Median income $22k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44110—Median income $21k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44108—Median income $20k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44114—Median income $20k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44127—Median income $19k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44103—Median income $17k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44104—Median income $14k—City-Cleveland
Zip code 44115—Median income $12k—City-Cleveland