Looking for hard money investors in NYC area - Posted by Len(nyc)

Posted by Len(NYC) on September 20, 2001 at 20:57:54:

Hey Frank
I definetley remember you, how are things going in your real estate world? email me at lmera106@aol.com, Im currently looking into distressed property in my area, any opinions on how the market is looking in the next couople of months in NYC?

Looking for hard money investors in NYC area - Posted by Len(nyc)

Posted by Len(nyc) on September 18, 2001 at 13:34:40:

Can anyone refer any hard money lenders in NYC or the surrounding areas?

Re: Looking for hard money investors in NYC area - Posted by Frank Chin

Posted by Frank Chin on September 19, 2001 at 10:14:42:

Hi Len:

I met you at the May 2001 RE Club meeting in New York, and a fellow sitting behind us spoke to me after the meeting told me he was a hard money lender. Gave me a packet plus his business card:

Company: Gala Resources
Contact: Steven Beispel
Direct Line: 917-912-4552
Toll Free: 1-800-586-7868
Fax: 212-302-8832
E-mail: sbeispel@taxhedgeadvisors.com
Address: 1212 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10036

I haven’t used him or spoke to anyone who did. Just bumped into him at that meeting. You may just want to call and find out if he can do something for you.

Good luck.

Frank Chin