looking for financing - Posted by Shelby

Posted by Shelby on April 08, 2001 at 23:28:20:

Hi! Thank you very much! Was unaware of the rule, probably too eager to read them! I checked the local paper and only found 1, which I think is kinda strange for such a big town. I’ve spent hours on the internet but must be searching in the wrong places. I’m up because I have a 2 year old who must be taken care of or entertained. Thank you very much again, hopefully will have a $$success$$ story to post soon!

looking for financing - Posted by Shelby

Posted by Shelby on April 08, 2001 at 21:12:21:

I am new at this and need a little help. I’ve done alot of reading and have a few properties I am looking at: one is a quadraplex that seems like a good buy (has a positive cash flow) and now I am looking for financing. I would prefer to have a list of private investors to work from. I am working in the greater Atlanta area. I am going to call an investor tomorrow (who is selling us our first duplex) and see if he knows anyone who would be interested.
I would like to 100% finance this quad, which is (asking price) 269K. Owners in no hurry to sell. Building is in good shape. (My husband is in structural engineering)
Ed Garcia’s company does not do loans in Georgia.
Can anyone help me with this? Also, I know there is a website for investors that buy notes but I cannot find it, if anyone knows, please tell me.
Thank you very much in advance.

Re: looking for financing - Posted by Ed Garcia

Posted by Ed Garcia on April 08, 2001 at 22:31:20:


If the property is in good shape as you have stated, you should be able to get into it with 90 % financing and 10 % down. If you go sub-prime and have a seller carry-back, you can get into it with 5% down. If there is a lot of equity and you want to spend an arm and two legs you can contact Louis D. Brown in Atlanta Ga. Who does hard money loans at 770-498-7403.

You’re not allowed to solicit on this forum, but tonight I made an exception to help you.
Besides, who else would read any posts on this site on a Sunday night?


Ed Garcia

P.S. If anyone else puts a phone number of a source on the board, it will disappear. I made one exception for the people of Ga. This evening only??