Looking for a Lender - Posted by Nathaniel Morgs

Posted by David on January 07, 2005 at 18:34:22:

email me your telephone number and what you are trying to do I can help I am a loan officer

Looking for a Lender - Posted by Nathaniel Morgs

Posted by Nathaniel Morgs on January 06, 2005 at 15:33:09:

I was hoping that someone on this message board could help direct me to a variety of lenders (both public and private) to help finance my RE investments. My potential acquisitions will put me in a LTV around 80%.


I specialize in Investment Property Financing - Posted by Roger Howell

Posted by Roger Howell on January 06, 2005 at 20:40:48:

If you send me an email describing: the deal(s, your credit and income situation, and the location of the property, I might be able to help or at least refer you to someone who can.
Good Luck with your investing!

Re: Looking for a Lender - Posted by john bruno

Posted by john bruno on January 06, 2005 at 19:17:38:


You should have no problem getting money from anyone on things commercial with an 80% LTV.

Maybe I can help.

john bruno 815-469-4520


Re: Looking for a Lender - Posted by Don Dion

Posted by Don Dion on January 06, 2005 at 16:00:14:

What state are the properties in?
Are the deals on Commercial or residential properties?

Re: Looking for a Lender - Posted by Devon Daughety

Posted by Devon Daughety on January 06, 2005 at 15:40:51:

I can definitely help you. I’ve assisted many-a-people from this board with their investments. Shoot me a private email. Thanks,


Re: Looking for a Lender - Posted by frank molakl

Posted by frank molakl on January 07, 2005 at 10:07:11:

John, hello, happy new year ! Frank 850-240-1759 Destin, Florida

Re: Looking for a Lender - Posted by Frank Molak

Posted by Frank Molak on January 07, 2005 at 10:09:06:

Devon, I’m investor/ realtor in nw florida. Amazing opps. here. E me or call if interested.

Frank 850-240-1759