Letter to FSBO? - Posted by Mike Schmidt

Posted by Mike Schmidt on April 25, 2001 at 22:53:15:

Hi Lana,
Sure email it over. I have a few I have started, once I get them done (tomorrow hopefully) maybe I will post them on the web for all to critique.

Letter to FSBO? - Posted by Mike Schmidt

Posted by Mike Schmidt on April 23, 2001 at 14:08:10:

I think I have seen a post here a while back that had an example of a marketing letter you would send out to a for sale by owner property!?!?! If it was here I cant seem to find it again. Anyone have some examples they care to share?

Re: Letter to FSBO? - Posted by Lana- Joshua TX

Posted by Lana- Joshua TX on April 25, 2001 at 21:37:12:

Hi, I am a newbie who has copied and read several current and archived posts. I too am looking for letters. I have put one of my own together, but have not sent it yet, so couldn’t tell ya how effective it will be, however, if you want me to email it to you just let me know.
Lana - Joshua TX