Lease option with original owner - Posted by Patrick

Posted by Dallas Allbritton on April 12, 2005 at 20:30:59:

Be careful in doing this (for 2 reasons)

  1. Many state goverments see this as predatory lending actions and taking advantage of the poor or people who may be desperate.

  2. MORE IMPORTANTLY… If the owner could not pay their mortgage holder, how are they going to pay you, at a higher amount.

Lease option with original owner - Posted by Patrick

Posted by Patrick on April 01, 2005 at 11:14:28:

I have a question. Alot of people that I have been talking to in foreclosure want to know if i can buy there home or cure their back payments and I take title to the property and then lease back the home to them with the option to buy back the house. Can I do this and if I can how do i structure the deal