Lease Option Question - Posted by DanMc

Posted by Steve Heller on May 28, 1999 at 17:56:03:

I would find the props first. Tenants/buyers will follow.

Steve Heller

Lease Option Question - Posted by DanMc

Posted by DanMc on May 28, 1999 at 12:56:24:

I was just wondering…Can you make money by lease optioning a property, then assigning (selling) the lease option to someone else. I would like to do this almost as a “flip”. I would first find people who are looking for a home but can’t afford the down payment, then go out and find a suitable property, gain control with a lease option, then immediately sell the option to the new tenant/buyer. Are there any pitfalls to this, and exactly how could I profit. Any suggestions would be helpful.