Lease/option - Posted by E.M.

Posted by wm-pa on December 14, 2002 at 18:48:23:

Tell them the truth, now you won’t be deceptive.

Lease/option - Posted by E.M.

Posted by E.M. on December 14, 2002 at 18:07:53:

I am a little confused. HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION: I have called a FSBO ad. How do I convince the homeowner to allow me to lease/option their home to another person without being deceptive??? Thank you in advance for responses.

Re: Lease/option - Posted by Greg- NJ

Posted by Greg- NJ on December 14, 2002 at 21:53:21:

Calling FSBO’s is fine. But try to get them to open up and tell you why perhaps they are selling. At this stage you are trying to see if the sellers are motivated. Then you can make an appointment to talk to them in person, only if they are truly motivated. Never try to convince a seller over the phone about a lease option. This business is about trust. Period. The sellers don’t know you from adam on the phone. It won’t work. Trust me. Feel them out on the phone. When you get in front of the sellers, listen, listen and listen some more. Then present your case. This could be a Lease Option, or straight Option or something else. You want to help them based on their needs and make a fair profit. Good luck