land trust - Posted by t_tinyo

Posted by timC on June 21, 2009 at 21:24:12:

thanks for the helpful tip, bti. u a JKaiser apologist also?

land trust - Posted by t_tinyo

Posted by t_tinyo on June 07, 2009 at 16:12:06:

r/e players… how does bronchick’s land trust course compare with ward hannigan’s title holding trust course? just want to hear your opinions. thank you very much…

Florida + Warda - Posted by steve

Posted by steve on June 18, 2009 at 15:41:32:

For Land Trusts in Florida get info by Mark Warda !!

I don’t think bronchick is licensed in Florida.

Re: land trust - Posted by John Merchant

Posted by John Merchant on June 11, 2009 at 15:59:13:

I’ve read some of Bronchik’s work and from what I read the guy really knows his stuff.

Having a good bit of personal knowledge of TX Trust law, it was sure apparent to me that Bill B had a good working knowledge of trust law there and elsewhere.

Don’t know Hannigan or his work so couldn’t comment on his know-how or value of his course.

old timers here don’t have guts… - Posted by timC

Posted by timC on June 11, 2009 at 01:01:04:

to be critical with bill bronchick. too much nepotism going on, i guess…

Kenoe on Trusts not Kehoe (typo) - (nt) - Posted by Ken-Orlando

Posted by Ken-Orlando on June 08, 2009 at 06:43:47:


Re: land trust - Posted by Ken-Orlando

Posted by Ken-Orlando on June 08, 2009 at 06:33:51:

You need to take a look at what State you are doing business in. For instance for Florida I would recommend Warda, as he is a Florida Attorney and his material include the Florida Statutes and his forms comply with Florida Law.

Ward Harrigan is an attorney in California, so if I lived there I would be taking his course.

The best book ever written on Trusts is Kehoe on Trusts, which is out of print. Kehoe worked for Chicago Title for many years and his book is based on Case Law and is used as a reference by attorneys all over the country.

I have not taken Bill Bronchicks course, but if it was written for the State that you live I would not hesitate to buy it.

Check with a REIA in the State that you will being doing deals and find out from the pros there whose course they recommend.

Re: old timers here don’t have guts… - Posted by BTI

Posted by BTI on June 15, 2009 at 12:24:11:

OK tim

I’ll be critical of Bronchick, the guy is too young, probably not over 45, and us old timers know you can’t trust anyone under 65. So take him off your list of people to trust, and don’t listen to anything he has to say for the next 20 years.