l/o advertsiment approach ...what do u use? - Posted by Rodrigo Rodrigues

Posted by LJ on December 27, 2001 at 17:36:13:

If you own and are offering to lease/sell on L/O, you may be thinking too hard. In my area, I get a TON of calls from minimal advertising because people LOVE the terms. Most don’t even ask the price.
If you are wanting to purchase by leasing with an option, I don’t really get this. People do this successfully, but it is too expensive and too risky for me. It is also unheard of in my area where I have never come across another L/O ‘seller’ besides me. Here, L/O is a sellers game that tennant/buyers line up for. Good luck, LJ

l/o advertsiment approach …what do u use? - Posted by Rodrigo Rodrigues

Posted by Rodrigo Rodrigues on December 27, 2001 at 08:40:23:

besides newspapers,bandit signs ,flyers etc…
does anyone use a specific internet tool that makes your life easier by advertising your property for sale to several newspapers simultaneoulsy ?
i’m looking for techiniques that you use and of course they have to be affective but they not present on books or in here…
i’m researching all the affective possiblities