KMT Partners? - Posted by Joe A

Posted by Jeanne on March 12, 2003 at 11:38:37:


You should be well aware of the editorial policy here at CRE Online by now.


KMT Partners? - Posted by Joe A

Posted by Joe A on March 07, 2003 at 02:33:25:

Anybody had any experience of any kind with KMT Partners they would like to share? Couldn’t find anything in the archives. Thanks.

Re: KMT Partners? - Posted by Michael EV Knight

Posted by Michael EV Knight on March 08, 2003 at 20:20:30:

Hi, someone told me of this posting and I wanted to set the record straight. We have a Very strong anti spam policy, you can read it at
We are dead set against our members promoting their business thru spam and will terminate them if it is proved they have spammed.

Michael EV Knight, VP Kmt Partners, Inc.
Unique Financing for Investors!

Re: KMT Partners? - Posted by James Strange

Posted by James Strange on March 07, 2003 at 03:48:00:

I get Spam in my email box from some of the Partners. From the emails that they send I can tell that they do not read my post.

Can KMT do what they say? I don’t know.