Just got list of foreclosures - what next? - Posted by Tim J (WI)

Posted by Tim J (WI) on July 04, 2004 at 22:29:20:

In WI, the sale must be 12 months judgment date. I got the list from a local title company.

Just got list of foreclosures - what next? - Posted by Tim J (WI)

Posted by Tim J (WI) on June 30, 2004 at 23:02:41:

I just got a list of all the foreclosures filed in my county between Feb and May.
What’s my next, best step?


Re: Just got list of foreclosures - what next? - Posted by David (Los Angeles)

Posted by David (Los Angeles) on July 01, 2004 at 23:03:55:

What is the timeline for foreclosures in Wisconsin? In California, a Notice of Default filed in February or March is probably useless now that it’s July, as the sale usually takes place about 110 days after the filing.

Do you have cash to use if you find a homeowner who’s willing to do a deal that makes sense for you? Then your next best step would be to contact those homeowners.

It’s also possible that your next best step would be to toss your list in the trash and get a better list. Hard to say, just from the information you’ve provided.