Joe Kaiser's L/O Course - Posted by Chip (Lakeland, FL)

Posted by Jim FL on October 15, 2001 at 17:58:23:

I see you are in Lakeland.
I am too.
Drop me an e-mail off the board and we can talk.
You can reach me at “” (Sans quotes)

Take care,
Jim FL

Joe Kaiser’s L/O Course - Posted by Chip (Lakeland, FL)

Posted by Chip (Lakeland, FL) on October 15, 2001 at 15:04:26:

I’m thinking about purchasing Kaiser’s Ultimate Lease Option course. I already have Ron LaGrand’s L/O course but I thought maybe the letters to Landord and other info LaGrand’s course may not have would make Kaiser’s worth the extra expense. Has anyone used Kaiser’s L/O materials? What do you think?