Is there anyway to make this work? - Posted by DealFan

Posted by Deal Fan on July 16, 2004 at 23:32:23:


Is there anyway to make this work? - Posted by DealFan

Posted by DealFan on July 16, 2004 at 08:25:08:

Im thinking no but maybe someone else knows a way…
Owner has mortgage on forst house for 315K
Already closed on 2nd new house, and took a heloc on first house to do some rehab of new home, cant sell new home, was on the market for 350k for 100 days , now down to 330k still not moving after 2 weeks. She has accepted that shes goin to loose $ in the long run on this. Is there anyway for me to do anything here?

Thanks in advance,

More info - Posted by Carmen_FL

Posted by Carmen_FL on July 17, 2004 at 23:09:00:

What are the properties worth? What is the total owed? What would they rent for, if you’re planning to keep? What are you looking to do with them in the long run? What is the monthly payment? Which house are you looking to work on? All these questions will help see if there is any kind of deal possible, or if you’re just looking to buy someone else’s problem.

Re: Is there anyway to make this work? - Posted by SteveG_Pa

Posted by SteveG_Pa on July 17, 2004 at 10:07:32:

I think we need more info to go on. Tell us a bit more about the situation and $ amounts.