Is Lonnie still around? - Posted by Carl

Posted by J.P. Vaughan on July 28, 1999 at 16:58:33:

Yes, Lonnie is still around. In fact, within the next
few days, I will be announcing a new Workshop starring
Lonnie Scruggs, Terry Vaughan and Ray Alcorn:

“Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Mobile Homes, the Paper and Parks.”

Is Lonnie still around? - Posted by Carl

Posted by Carl on July 28, 1999 at 16:44:19:

I posted an earlier message from received no response.

Is Lonnie still part of this site and is he still involved in mobile home investing?

I’m looking forward to more “Lonnie articles” being written. GO Lonnie GO! (nt) - Posted by SusanL.–Fl

Posted by SusanL.–Fl on July 29, 1999 at 11:14:32:


Re: Is Lonnie still around? - Posted by Lonnie

Posted by Lonnie on July 29, 1999 at 08:24:00:

Yep, I?m still here, just been stuck in the “two speed mode” for the past several months…slooow and stop. So I?ve kind of gotten lax and lazy. I?ll try to re-energize my batteries and get back on the board more often. But as always, feel free to give me a call if I can be of any help (Ph # is in the books).

Thanks to Dirk and the others for doing such an excellent job of answering all the MH questions. And thanks to all for your interest, friendship and support,


Of course, he’s the Master of MH’s - Posted by Dirk Roach

Posted by Dirk Roach on July 29, 1999 at 01:48:53:

Hi Carl,
The really cool thing about the authors on this site is that they are Investors first and author’s second. All of the investors are out in the world doing deals. I know Lonnie and consider him a very good friend of mine, and I can tell you he keeps extreamly busy. I wish I could only have half of his energy sometimes.
Seriously a check in the mailbox everyday can be quite the motivation.