Okay we have a contract, we drew up an addendum offering the seller an extension on the dates allowed to get the inspections done because they did not have the property ready within the original amount of time specified by the contract. The sellers agent keeps saying they dont want to send the addendum to the owner because of the verbage that we used. The agent ahs been holding the addendum for 6 days now and not sent it to the owner. Does anyone know if 1, this is illegal in the state of maryland and 2, what is my recourse to this problem?
Re: is it illegal to hold an addendum? - Posted by John Merchant
Posted by John Merchant on March 12, 2009 at 11:08:28:
Deliver letter to agent’s Broker, demanding delivery of your addendum to client…letter to say that their failure to make immediate delivery to client will force you to go to RE Commission with complaint.
No REA has the right to NOT deliver all written matter to owner/principal/client as this is not matter of discretion for a REA and his rules call for him to deliver all such asap.
Re: is it illegal to hold an addendum? - Posted by River City
Posted by River City on March 12, 2009 at 06:48:22:
In my opinion, it is the responsibility of the seller’s agent to submit all requests for addendums to the contract to the seller. If the seller does not want to accept the addendum, then the seller has the right to either reject the addendum or counteroffer the addendum.
Maybe this agent is trying to get your contract to expire based on the inspection. They might possibly have someone with a higher offer.
You might want to consider reporting this agent to your local board of realtors (in writing and only if you can back up your claims).