Is Atlanta still a tenant's market? - Posted by jz

Posted by wes on October 14, 2004 at 15:04:16:

Most recent stats I have seen show Fulton and DeKalb counties of Metro Atlanta making the “Top Ten” list of foreclosures in the country. Couple that with the fact most apartments have signs posted of $400-$500 to any current tenant that brings them a referal that signs a lease (2-3 years ago that was more commonly $200-300).
Leads me to believe it is still a relatively soft market.

However, I still know plenty of people that are doing very well in this market.

You just cannot expect to go out and buy anything available here and expect to always make money.

Is Atlanta still a tenant’s market? - Posted by jz

Posted by jz on October 14, 2004 at 08:43:39:

2 or 3 years ago I read on this site that Atlanta was a tough market, at the time, for landlords. Due to the recession and job losses in the area, higher vacancy rates were causing landlords to offer perks to attract tenants. Can anyone tell me if things have improved since 2001-2002?
Thanks, I appreciate any feedback.

Re: Is Atlanta still a tenant’s market? - Posted by Dan - GA

Posted by Dan - GA on October 14, 2004 at 15:08:23:

Atlanta is still a tenant’s market in most of the suburbs. Many large “corporate” complexes with 100’s of units are wiling to move you in with as little as $25 for the 1st month. If they get a bad tenant, they throw you out. If they get a good one, they only lost a months rent, which it was going to be empty anyways. I think things are different closer in to the downtown market. There are fewer large complexes to compete against, and anything that is decent is ultra expensive, so there is a market for decent/moderate priced rentals intown.