Is anybody using - Posted by Linda Chicago

Posted by V on September 10, 2001 at 24:46:21:

Hi, Amen to you Pikachu, just getting started myself and I took a peak at foreclosureworld and haven’t stop getting unwanted e-mails from them since. Your right $368.00 is a lot of money for information you can get for free from the county your from, and your legal news paper (if you have one in your state).
Good Luck

Is anybody using - Posted by Linda Chicago

Posted by Linda Chicago on September 09, 2001 at 24:23:11:

Couple ads are placed in Chicago local newspapers about foreclosure Sale. The deals look really good. e.g. 3.6K for Bank Foreclosure with value of $175K. The problem is all these ads are from I am new to RE and am interested in flipping properties. I do not know where to find right properties. I not sure if I should pay $368 fee to get detail information and I am afraid of not getting timely info. Does anybody have any idea how good the service is? Is the info worth the money?
Any help is appreciated.

Re: Is anybody using - Posted by Rich-FL

Posted by Rich-FL on September 09, 2001 at 12:36:03:


Just find foreclosures “the old fashioned way”…follow the market and visit your courthouse.

If you are definately set on starting with foreclosures, make it a point to go to the county clerk’s office and find their listing of properties that will be auctioned due to foreclosure…this way you may be able to get the property before the bank does.

You may also want to look up properties that are REO, just by picking a specific bank and searching the property records for the ones that bank owns.

Re: Is anybody using - Posted by sacramento steve

Posted by sacramento steve on September 09, 2001 at 12:32:10:

I prefer listing services that charge you on a monthly basis that way you can cancel if you don’t like it. There are many out there for $19.95 a month.

Good Luck.

Re: Is anybody using - Posted by pikachu

Posted by pikachu on September 09, 2001 at 01:32:35: is just trying to rip people’s money. They are putting ads all over the place. Once they know your e-mail, they don’t stop e-mailing you with long letters and asking you to pay the fee. $368 is a lot of money!!!How can you pay something that you don’t know is true. Don’t do it.

Re: Is anybody using - Posted by GIO

Posted by GIO on September 09, 2001 at 01:13:59:

haven’t read any good comments on it from previous quest. on the same topic. BUT my friend has gotten at least one deal from it according to him. Paid for itself. You have to work it, know how to best use the info. Great info is not worth anything if someone doesn’t use it properly.

One Other Thing… - Posted by Rich-FL

Posted by Rich-FL on September 09, 2001 at 12:42:51:

…you may want to try to find all that info online.
Here in my county, the clerk has a webpage that has links to all that info (lis pendens, foreclosure sale, tax deed sale, etc.).

That sure would save you a lot of time.