investment property - Posted by Chance

Posted by brandoncbsre on May 31, 2008 at 21:30:11:

I am doing a deal right now with less than that involved. Find a seller willing to hold a second. I obviously am talking a property in the $200,000 or less range. Bottom line is make sure you get the real numbers and make sure to structure it in a way that it still cashflows. BTW mine is a $90,000 mixed-use 4 unit building. I am cross-collateralizing with another property I own and having the seller hold a $9,000 second. I’ll have about a grand of my own cash in it.

investment property - Posted by Chance

Posted by Chance on May 31, 2008 at 11:16:09:

Hypothetical question for everyone. What if you wanted to invest in commercial real estate but all you had was $12,000?