Investing stategy & mkt - Posted by Rick Bassett

Posted by Rick on February 27, 2008 at 08:17:59:

Jason, thank you for the list of reading materials. I will check them out.
Some of the books/courses I have read over the past year include:
-The Millionaire Real Estate Investor(Keller)
-Investing in Real Estate(Gary Eldred)
-Defensive Real Estate Investing(Bronchick)
-The Pre-Foreclosure Property Investor’s Kit(Thomas Lucier)
-Rich Dad Poor Dad(Kiyosaki)
-Apartment house Riches course(David Lindahl)
-Trump courses
and several other books, hours of study on the computer, etc. I would like to put down the books for a moment and actually purchase in this crazy market we are in. I am trying to find out what is working for investors

Investing stategy & mkt - Posted by Rick Bassett

Posted by Rick Bassett on February 26, 2008 at 13:45:57:

Another floundering newbie question. I am 54 years old, live in Maine and I have app.$200,000 available to invest. I do not want to invest in Maine, but I want to begin purchasing in 2008. Should I purchase single family homes or rental units. Any recommendations on emerging market areas?(cash flow & appreciation)
How should I best leverage the money I have. I know there is not one strategy or location to invest. I’m trying to see if there is any kind of consensus on the forum. Thank you. “Thats all I have to say about that”! Forrest

Investing Strategy & Marketing - Posted by Nam

Posted by Nam on March 02, 2008 at 10:08:37:

Hello Rick,

In my opinion, multi-family units are better. If you can find some good fourplexes, you’re probably better off than single family. The more units you have…the better chance you’ll survive a vacancy. For example, if you have 2 single family units and 1 is vacant…you have a 50% vacancy rate. If you have 2 fourplexes with 2 vacant units…you only have a 25% vacancy. A good recommendation is Texas…that’s where I’m from and I can tell you that property values here…prices…a lot less expensive than other parts of the country. Houston is one of the largest cities in the US and the median house price is about $150,000. You can do your research at (Houston Association of REALTORS). It’s a great tool!!!

Re: Investing stategy & mkt - Posted by Jason

Posted by Jason on February 27, 2008 at 24:54:52:

Sounds like you need to pick up some books…here’s what I’d recommend you start with:

  • The Millionaire Real Estate Investor (Keller)
  • The Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings (Berges)
  • How to Buy & Sell Apartment Buildings (Vollucci)
  • The Complete Guide to Real Estate Finance for Investment Properties (Berges)