Investing out of state - Posted by Bobby

Posted by John on February 01, 2002 at 19:58:13:

I can help you in Las Vegas, Henderson …


Investing out of state - Posted by Bobby

Posted by Bobby on January 28, 2002 at 18:27:26:

Before anyone grills me, yes I did read the archives on this and found some good information. I am new to real estate investing and have found that if might be good for me to invest out of state (I live in the S.F. Bay area). I have learned that the tax assessors office has information that I could use, however, I have the obvious questions about how to actually buy an out of state property.

  1. how do you view the property? (do you fly out there?) I understand Carleton Sheets qualify a property over the phone techniques so I know that this saves a lot of time.

I guess I’m just asking for advice from people who are currently investing out of state. Do you have partners that help you view these properties? Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Please email me at: if you’d like.
