Interesting Dilemma Update - Posted by Nate-WI

Posted by Markh10 on July 19, 2005 at 21:22:56:

You did the right thing. The settlement people can get a loan on the good cases from their lawyers, when a good case exists, without involving anything more than a phone call. This is truest with food/shelter/clothing type basic issues. The lawyer simply expects repayment from the settlement, sets a budget, or approval process, and you have some money to use during the case.

Your qualified buyer deserves your attention, and your response to her attempts to do what is required. If the other guys can make the attempt then meet them that far when you see the effort from them. In the mean time, NEXT!!

Nicely done


Interesting Dilemma Update - Posted by Nate-WI

Posted by Nate-WI on July 19, 2005 at 15:53:41:

For those who have been following my situation…Buyer #1 who was going to buy my MH on a note is getting the home. She got approved today and is signing the lease tomorrow. The cash buyer/settlement lady is dragging their feet on the application process and I don’t feel comfortable with that situation. I even called her lawyer on Monday morning to verify the settlement and have heard nothing from him at all. There is no way I’m turning away a park approved applicant. I appreciate everyone’s input and look forward to posting more as the deals come in. Gotta look at two more tonight so ya never know. Thanks again,
