Insecure Line of Credit? (unsecured) lol - Posted by Katrinka, Ca

Posted by Jeff on February 01, 2006 at 09:57:39:

Best way is to get a credit card. Unless you are as rich as Donald Trump most people are unable to get any other type of unsecured line-of-credit that I know of.

Insecure Line of Credit? (unsecured) lol - Posted by Katrinka, Ca

Posted by Katrinka, Ca on February 01, 2006 at 08:44:06:

best way to go about obtaining one?

K :slight_smile:

Re: Insecure Line of Credit? (unsecured) lol - Posted by Shambhu Nath

Posted by Shambhu Nath on February 01, 2006 at 15:45:50:

Some local banks are able to give signature loans if you have good credit and income. Talk to your local bankers. IF you have busienss, you might be able to get a business line of credit.

Re: Insecure Line of Credit? (unsecured) lol - Posted by Jack

Posted by Jack on February 01, 2006 at 10:03:15:

Get a credit card. Unless you are as rich as Donald Trump and don’t really need the money - very doubtful you would get an unsecured line-of-credit. Of course a credit card IS an unsecured line-of-credit.