Ideas about making most of Settlement $ - Posted by GG(GA)

Posted by GG(GA) on June 28, 2002 at 09:47:58:

I would have thought maybe the legal or financing board would be the ones I needed. I already know about the Mobile Home Park. I need to know about a structured settlement, financing MHP, or just take the money and run. Its a tax free settlement (wrongful death). I just talked to the attorney handling the case and he can’t really give any advice on what to do with the money, but he did answer a few questions and possibly caused more, when his info sinks in good. I was laid off before the accident happened and I want to use this to replace (increase) my monthly income, but I want it to last a lifetime. I also need to take care of the girl who would now be my Daughter-in-Law if this accident didn’t happen. I’ll post on the other boards anyway and see what happens. Thanks for the advice and have a great weekend!


Ideas about making most of Settlement $ - Posted by GG(GA)

Posted by GG(GA) on June 27, 2002 at 13:40:03:

I’m getting a large settlement soon and have been searching for ideas about what would be best to do with the money that I am about to recieve. I’ve contacted the attorney with my questions and a CPA, will get their answers later.

  1. I know it will be taxed, but how?
  2. Would it be best to put the money in a structured account? What type would be best?

I want to purchase a mobile home park, which provides a decent monthly income with some work involved. Bottom line is I need ideas about how to set it up to get the most from the money.


PS. Should I post this on any of the other Boards?

Re: Ideas about making most of Settlement $ - Posted by Ronald * Starr(in No CA)

Posted by Ronald * Starr(in No CA) on June 27, 2002 at 20:02:00:


I think you should post it on the other boards. More specificly the mobile home board.

Investing is such a personal thing, in my opinion. What you want to invest in is not what I would choose. That does not mean you are wrong. Only that you are not me. And your may be glad about that.

Since you already have narrowed down the field, your question is much better than the subject line makes it sound. But it is an area in which I do not have expertise to help you.

Good InvestingRon Starr******