I nominate Vanderlot's Wife... - Posted by JT - IN

Posted by Sean on August 11, 2001 at 10:01:34:

No, I’m serious about this. If elected as bozo of the week I will swear off any and all interns for the entirety of my first term.

Also, I caution you that if I’m not elected as bozo of the week, it’s very likely that many children will be denied their government-issued school lunches and have to try to learn hungry. Vote for Sean and do it for the children!

I nominate Vanderlot’s Wife… - Posted by JT - IN

Posted by JT - IN on August 10, 2001 at 06:21:40:

As “Outstanding Person of the Week”, and Vanderlot, himself, as a close second. Your story has touched many here, and the support and encouragement of your Wife, as you have described, has earned her this (soon to be coveted) award, of “Outstanding Person of the Week”, on Creonline.

And it goes without saying, that good ole “Sean”, will take the notoriety of “Bozo of the Week”, hands down. In fact, there were no other applicants for this positions, in comparison to your insensitivity.


OK I missed it - Posted by Terry (Houston)

Posted by Terry (Houston) on August 10, 2001 at 20:15:52:

Can you direct me to the post yall are talking about??


America’s Couple Of The Year - Posted by BWhite (TN)

Posted by BWhite (TN) on August 10, 2001 at 17:48:14:

Motivated drive and focused determination mixed with devoted support. HMMMMM

Look Out World here come’s the real Dynamic Duo.

Mega Dittos to the wife!! [nt] - Posted by SusanL.–FL

Posted by SusanL.–FL on August 10, 2001 at 13:31:17:


Standing Ovation - Posted by Doug (ON)

Posted by Doug (ON) on August 10, 2001 at 08:28:26:

I didn’t read Sean’s comments so I can’t comment on that.

I vote for Vanderlot’s wife as OPotW too, by his description she might become more coveted than the award :wink:


I third the motion - Posted by Sean

Posted by Sean on August 10, 2001 at 08:23:48:

I think Vanderlot’s wife sounds like a class act.

And I, if elected as Bozo of the week, promise to not have sexual relations with any of my interns.

I second the nomination - Posted by Kim (FL)

Posted by Kim (FL) on August 10, 2001 at 07:05:31:

I read Sean’s thoughts and was saddened at how rotten people can be. This site is for learning not trying to ruin dreams. What a mean man – he wins “Bozo of the Week” and the “Meanest Man on this Board” award.

Sean – play nice or go to your room!
Good luck Vanderlot!!!

Re: OK I missed it - Posted by JT - IN

Posted by JT - IN on August 10, 2001 at 20:48:23:


Like Rubies (nt) - Posted by AnnNC

Posted by AnnNC on August 10, 2001 at 23:07:55:


Re: I third the motion - Posted by DanT

Posted by DanT on August 11, 2001 at 05:52:06:

Any or just the ones that may disappear? DanT