I need help finding .... - Posted by Darwin

Posted by Natalie Malchus on May 28, 2003 at 12:44:26:

I need help in finding the legal forms to file of motion of continuance in a family/custody hearing. I need asap. Thank you.

I need help finding … - Posted by Darwin

Posted by Darwin on April 08, 2003 at 14:18:15:

I need help finding lease with an option to buy forms. You guys are GREAT!

Re: I need help finding … - Posted by Ken (ILL)

Posted by Ken (ILL) on April 08, 2003 at 19:53:34:

Try going to legalforms.com They have almost any form imaginable there, all prepared by legal people. You still will want to have it looked at by a LOCAL atty. They will know if all of the form is legal under your circumstances.

Re: I need help finding … - Posted by Brian Powers(MI)

Posted by Brian Powers(MI) on April 08, 2003 at 15:23:57:

you’ll be much better served by sitting down with a compatent attorney, explaining to him what you’d like to do, and being properly protected, rather than take legal documents from the internet from people you don’t even know.
you’re talking about taking control of an asset worth tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. spend a couple hundred bucks and protect yourself!