I have found properties, now I need 20%, (Help!) - Posted by MDM

Posted by Rehabpro on November 22, 2004 at 16:41:56:


What state are the properties located? Try running an ad in the newspaper for a money partner.

I have found properties, now I need 20%, (Help!) - Posted by MDM

Posted by MDM on November 22, 2004 at 16:16:03:

I have just found a group of 19 properties. Some are duplexes and 2 are quadraplexes. Total of 30 units. Cash flow of $7,000 per month. Owner asking $500,000.

I’m not worried about the numbers yet, that will come later. How should I go about raising the 20% for the down paymnet. I have spoken to my loan guy and he stated that he could get the downpayment to 10%. But I would have to come up with the money. (No seller holding a second)

How else can this work?