....I Don't Get It...... - Posted by Angie in FL.

Posted by chris on July 17, 2000 at 24:27:25:


Post a few questions here and I’m sure you’ll get answers. Just don’t post a bunch of questions in each post where it will take too long to answer. A few questions and answers a day and you should get it.


…I Don’t Get It… - Posted by Angie in FL.

Posted by Angie in FL. on July 16, 2000 at 11:56:26:

I am the first to say it…I am not the smartest human around. I ordered Carleton H. Sheets Course & I have read the book about 5 to 6 times this past week alone. I thought it was suppose to be made for people like me dumb, not bright, no Exp. in RE.

Ok now that I have said all that…If there is anyone out there that is willing to help me understand it - talk me thru it and listen to all of my dumb Questions and try to help me I would be so grateful. Please if you are out there e-mail me ?PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE??. Thank you for your time and support?

Re: …I Don’t Get It… - Posted by Genious

Posted by Genious on September 18, 2000 at 19:10:35:

The books dosen’t make sense because it is bologona. You’ll just hurt yourself in the end if you try to follow through with what he says in any of his books.

Re: …I Don’t Get It… - Posted by Mark (SDCA)

Posted by Mark (SDCA) on August 16, 2000 at 17:11:54:

What are your specific questions?? Email them to me and I will be glad to talk you through them…



Re: …I Don’t Get It… - Posted by Rob FL

Posted by Rob FL on July 17, 2000 at 07:52:09:

Go to a local real estate investing club. Click on the clubs link on the upper left corner of the main webpage.