I can't find the owner. Please help!!!!!!!!!!! - Posted by Alex SFL

Posted by Jim Kennedy - Houston, TX on October 18, 2000 at 13:18:27:

Read the “How To” article entitled “Ten Ways To Find Owners Of Vacant Property” by Joseph M. Kaiser. You can find it at:


Hope this helps.

Best of Success!!

Jim Kennedy,
Houston, TX

I can’t find the owner. Please help!!! - Posted by Alex SFL

Posted by Alex SFL on October 18, 2000 at 12:21:34:

I need some suggestions on how to find the owners of vancant houses. I have several vacant houses in my area but can’t locate them. I have tried the phone book, tax rolls and information. Any others that will be more successful? Thanks for your time in advance.


Re: I can’t find the owner. Please help!!! - Posted by shawn

Posted by shawn on October 18, 2000 at 20:49:16:

The county has the records for taxes. Were I live you can call and get the owners name, phone, address, and any information about the house. If that doesent work try a agent.