HUD - Posted by scott in va

Posted by dewCO on September 13, 2000 at 12:51:41:

You can flip any house you want. But generally when HUDs are up for sale, they want an owner occupant. Don’t lie, they’ll find out at closing when you don’t have a new loan and don’t take title. If they offer it to investors then you should be able to flip, just like any other property. You need to check and see how they are being offered-- owner occ. vs. nonown. occ

HUD - Posted by scott in va

Posted by scott in va on September 12, 2000 at 22:56:13:

Has anyone had any luck with flipping hud or va houses or do all the houses have to be owner occupied.

Re: HUD - Posted by Carol

Posted by Carol on September 13, 2000 at 14:07:45:

HUD homes come up first for owner occ. Then, after a period of time, they are open to investors.

Your broker can tell you, but you can also go online and check them out.

If you want to do HUD deals, be sure your broker has current experience in successful HUD bids.

Have fun!