How to "Subject to"? - Posted by Mike

Posted by Wm-Pa on December 03, 2003 at 16:39:11:

Look in the archives for Subject 2 and also the “HOW TO” section.


How to “Subject to”? - Posted by Mike

Posted by Mike on December 03, 2003 at 15:22:39:

Hi everyone;

I have a little experience in REI, I have owned rental properties for a few years. I even sold one on a rent-to-own sale (it took two buyers to get it right, but it worked).

I have been reading the Success Stories at this site and wonder what is meant by “subject to”.

Can someone explain the mechanics of such a deal for me?

Thanks, and thanks to the people who maintain this site - it is great place to find out more!

Mike - Northern BC

Re: How to “Subject to”? - Posted by Kris Malone

Posted by Kris Malone on December 05, 2003 at 13:08:25:

I recommend that you buy a good subject to course. I bought one for just $150.

kris malone