How to no money down? - Posted by Celly

Posted by Mark W. on May 10, 2001 at 04:53:05:

Hello Thom,

I was wondering if I may e-mail you with a few questions regarding Mr.Sheets.

Thanks for your reply!
Mark W.

How to no money down? - Posted by Celly

Posted by Celly on May 08, 2001 at 15:23:48:


I am not sure on how to not money down. How is that done?
Any posts will be greatly appreciated.


Re: How to no money down? - Posted by Kim

Posted by Kim on May 09, 2001 at 10:37:41:

You can also get a 100% non-owner occupied mortgage with PERFECT credit and some reserves in the bank. The seller could even pay your closing costs. You have to have a good income - enough to carry your current debt and the future debt. That’s what I do. There aren’t many programs out there for this but there are a few! If you’re in Florida (small chance, I know) - I could refer you to the company I use.

Re: How to no money down? - Posted by tom

Posted by tom on May 08, 2001 at 16:27:37:

Find a home worth 100K after fix up listed for 75K due to it’s poor condition. Offer 50K and get a hard money loan for 65K. Draw on the 15K for repairs. NO $ down!

Find a 100K house. Get a mortgage for 80K. Have the seller hold a 2nd for 20K. NO $ down!

Find a 25K house. BUy it w/ 5 credit cards. NO $ down!

Find any home. Get a partner w/ $. NO $ down!

etc, etc,

And take phil’s advice…read everything here!

Re: How to no money down? - Posted by phil fernandez

Posted by phil fernandez on May 08, 2001 at 15:29:38:

First read all of the articles in the How To Articles section. Then read all of the articles in the Money making section. Then reread all of them. Next read the forums at this site everyday.

Re: How to no money down? - Posted by Celly

Posted by Celly on May 08, 2001 at 16:34:04:

I just started READING EVERTHING! hehehe
oh boy long way to go! While reading tho-- some guy did say that CS and the people on the information did go bankrupt! Thanks guys for the info
Now i must go back to my reading! LOL

Re: How to no money down? - Posted by Thom

Posted by Thom on May 09, 2001 at 22:20:32:

Umm…Mr. Sheets is far from bankrupt! I know him very well, and if you saw his personal residence in West Palm, Florida, you would listen to what he has to say.