How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by willy

Posted by roundhouse on May 25, 2004 at 10:38:07:

when is the conf in Atlanta?

How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by willy

Posted by willy on May 23, 2004 at 01:05:46:

Gone in past years? Going this year? What is the cost? My wife and I have done several deals, and currently own commercial and residential property. Problem is our bank is starting to limit us because of our Gross Debt Ratio, a tool lenders in Canada use to determine if you can repay your loans. I don’t know if they use the same formulas in the US, but in order to grow to the next level we are going to require more funding for deals. We already are using some private lenders at good rates, but the well is running dry… at least at the rates we want to be paying. We have outstanding credit, and I am sure its just a matter of creating the right business plan and approaching the right lender… just looking for any feedback.

Thanks all.

Re: How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by Ed Garcia

Posted by Ed Garcia on May 23, 2004 at 12:44:23:


Perhaps I?m misreading your post.

It said, ?Gone in past years? Going this year? What is the cost??.

Willy, my first clue that you?ve never attended a Lenders workshop is, there is no cost for Alumni.

I allow 10 Alumni at any given time to the Workshop for free.

Had you attended, you also would NOT have made the comment, ?Problem is our bank is starting to limit us because of our Gross Debt Ratio, a tool lenders in Canada use to determine if you can repay your loans. I don’t know if they use the same formulas in the US, but in order to grow to the next level we are going to require more funding for deals. We already are using some private lenders at good?

This is a common problem, and is one of the first thing we address when teaching the WLOC ?Working Line Of Credit? or Commercial Line Of Credit.

Obviously when I viewed your post I immediately went over past attendees looking for the name of Willie, William, or Bill Kennedy, as well as your e-mail address and could not find you on any of my list.

Sorry, Willy, it?s not clear to me what you?re saying, but if you would like to attend the lenders workshop, call me at (909) 944-0199. We have some seats available and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Ed Garcia

Re: How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by William

Posted by William on May 23, 2004 at 09:02:00:


I’m going this year for the first time. After enrolling, Terry and Ed began assisting me immediately with some deals I’m pursuing. The conference has not even happened yet and, in my experience, it has already paid off from the advice, insight and constructive criticism they have given. I’ve done a couple of deals but have never attended any seminars/conferences before so this is a first for me. So far, I’m quite pleased with it as the program has exceeded my expectations.

Best Regards,


Re: How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by Jahrahnimo

Posted by Jahrahnimo on July 17, 2004 at 20:23:28:

Yes, I would be interested in that workshop/seminar. How do I attend, and what is the cost? I’m a new investor and am still clueless (and feeling like I’m taking a browbeating periodically). Plz help!

Re: How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by willy

Posted by willy on June 06, 2004 at 02:27:50:

Sorry, all - for the lack of clarity. Yes I was definitely asking about others’ past experiences from the workshop and about the actual cost of it. It sounds great. I am currently working overseas and will not be able to attend this year, but will seriously look at next year if I can get some good feedback. Again, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Re: How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by Stan

Posted by Stan on May 24, 2004 at 12:08:55:

I think that he is just asking about past seminars and how people have succeeded in years past, this year, and what the costs are. The post wasn’t very clear to say the least. But I just think that he is just wanting some feedback from who have attended.

At leat that is my take on the question.

Re: How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by Maisie McAleer

Posted by Maisie McAleer on November 15, 2004 at 20:21:38:

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Re: How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by Nev MacCrimmon

Posted by Nev MacCrimmon on August 17, 2004 at 24:39:38:

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Re: How to get lenders fighting? - Posted by bhagan

Posted by bhagan on May 25, 2004 at 01:27:22:

I have to agree. I will be attending for the first time and before I even committed to going Ed helped me considerably. I was amazed how much time and effort he dedicated to our deals. Ed seems to personify what I have always believed. “Think in therms of the customers interest 1st last and always and your rewards will come”.
see you in Atlanta