How to find deals - Posted by Kimani King

Posted by Dr. Craig Whisler CA on April 03, 2004 at 14:05:14:

…before you do anything (like spend your money on your first mobile home investment). You simply can’t ask enough questions on this board to get a good general background education in this field.

DOW is the basic text to get you started on a downhill run in the right direction. Then read every post on this board for 2-3 months.

You can research your specific questions in the archives on this board. Then if, after you have done your homework, you still have questions, return and post them here. This is the shortest path between where you are and where you would like to be.

Regards, doc

How to find deals - Posted by Kimani King

Posted by Kimani King on April 03, 2004 at 10:31:54:

I am a beginning investor in Mobile Homes. What are the best methods in finding the good deals. I have heard of newspaper articles, word of mouth and drive bys. What am I looking for when I drive by. and What should I say in a newspaper article.

Thank you,

Kimani in Georgia

Re: How to find deals - Posted by Gary

Posted by Gary on April 03, 2004 at 21:29:01:

I placed an ad in a weekly free paper looking for fixer upper or good 14 wides about a week ago. would move to my lots. Figured 20-25 calls by now. Have only gotten 3, all from sellers upside down asking 17,000-25,000. Weird huh? Couple weeks ago I ran a 3 day ad for $25. advertising a mobile home lot for rent. 5 calls, all thought they had found a mobile home to rent for $170 a month. Stupid huh?