How to buy property on Land Contract? - Posted by Paul-WA

Posted by JoeKaiser on April 30, 2001 at 23:01:44:


Since 1983 (as I recall), land contacts in Washington State (known as “real estate contracts”) convey equitable title. Lenders will even make you a loan (deeds of trusts behind real estate contracts wasn’t possible prior to that) on property where you hold a buyer’s interest in a real estate contract.

Your seller will receive a “fullfillment deed” which is equal to a “satisfaction of mortgage” or a deed of trust “reconveyance.” It is not a double close at all.


How to buy property on Land Contract? - Posted by Paul-WA

Posted by Paul-WA on April 30, 2001 at 21:54:06:

What would be the best way to purchase property bought on Land Contract?
Even though you do not have deed, your seller can get it upon his sale, so is it not similar to a double -close?
Thank you,