how much do you spend on Advertising - Posted by walter_IL

Posted by Big Rob on May 11, 2001 at 01:56:29:

Make the letters on your signs Big and simple.
magnetic signs on every car you own. Classified Ad in the newspaper EVERY Sunday! Never cheat your marketting efforts, One deal could pay for marketting for 6months to a year!

Good Luck

how much do you spend on Advertising - Posted by walter_IL

Posted by walter_IL on May 09, 2001 at 10:14:23:

and mailings?

Latelly, I have not had luck with bandit signs, they keep being taken down and I don’t get too many calls. Area where I live has few dead end streets, therefore, my 8.5 by 11 signs are probaly hard to see at 25mph speeds.

I thank you all for your responses about pre-foreclosure mailings, (letters vs. postcards), however, postcards are almost sure to get attention, while letters may not even be opened, while costing me 70% more than post cards. (20c vs. 34c).

What are your thoughts and experiences?
