How many leads do you see before getting a deal? - Posted by Mike

Posted by jax on August 05, 2005 at 10:35:44:

Just started the mailings this week. Targeting 1000 absentee owners for the next few months. Thanks for the TV tip.

How many leads do you see before getting a deal? - Posted by Mike

Posted by Mike on August 04, 2005 at 16:05:42:


My marketing is bringing in about 25-30 calls per month. But, there’s only a couple of calls that are even worth going to look at. There’s a lot of tire kickers and people with no equity.

Just wondering what kind of ratio of signed contracts to leads you’re all experiencing. Also, how often are you actually going to out to meet the seller.


Re: How many leads - Posted by rm

Posted by rm on August 05, 2005 at 16:18:47:

TV leads are expensive, and the medium isn’t targeted.

So, you should expect to filter through a whole lot more duds from this medium than just about any targeted type of campaign.

Re: How many leads do you see? - Posted by Don

Posted by Don on August 05, 2005 at 10:30:58:

One thing you might consider is tweaking your marketing to better target those you’re really trying to reach and reduce the number of tire kickers. Sometimes just a subtle change in wording can do it. Another way of stating your question is: “My marketing is only bringing in one or two calls a month that are even worth looking at.” If you can eliminate the tire kickers on the phone–which it sounds like you’re doing–your real problem is that you’re getting very few qualified leads. Work on that; target them better.

Hope that helps.

Re: How many leads do you see… - Posted by jax

Posted by jax on August 04, 2005 at 21:55:27:


Can I ask what you are doing for your marketing? I’m doing a direct mailing to absentee owners, but, would like to hear other ideas that are working. Thanks.

Re: How - Posted by Ed Copp (OH)

Posted by Ed Copp (OH) on August 04, 2005 at 16:51:15:

This question has no answer. We are all different. Some have never even seen one, while others have seen hundreds. If one has been in this business for thirty years the answer will not be the same as for a person who is just starting out.

The idea is to eliminate the dud’s on the phone. You are correct there are lots of no equity situations in the market place. This is all the more reason to get good at “sensing” this on the phone.

Re: How many leads do you see… - Posted by Mike

Posted by Mike on August 05, 2005 at 06:13:38:

I’ve been involved in a group that is pooling money together for TV ad’s. It is generating a good number of leads.

How is your direct mailing campaign working?
