How lond does it take to learn - Posted by js-Indianapolis

Posted by Jerry on July 12, 2003 at 21:49:54:

Is it possible to learn the system without paying? I am a little low on cash right now. I went through the entire board and can’t seem to put everything together.

It seems like all you do is get a voicemail with caller id capture, offer a bunch of so called gambits, hold one open house, and run the auction.

Is there more to it?

Can you share with us some of whys you learned?


How lond does it take to learn - Posted by js-Indianapolis

Posted by js-Indianapolis on July 09, 2003 at 16:58:20:

OK, for all of you that saw No Discount, and instantaneously broke out in hives, or had some ridiculous adverse mental trauma, get over it. I’m not looking to read “No Discount is a SCAM!!!” 100 times, I can do that in the achieves.

I’m looking to find out, if I order the packet this weekend, can I learn it by next Thursday, as well as have everything set up to take calls, etc. That’s all I want to know about it.

I’ve got a number of leads coming in that are just slightly better than marginal. My thought is to option them, run a no discount ad, and hope for the best. Why not? If I find it doesn’t work, I’ll be sure to get my $$ back, and come here to join the ranks of the vehement NoDiscount haters. I know misery loves company. Won’t you all be so happy?

So, how quick to get it in place? I want to move on this, while I?ve got these leads hot.

Re: How lond does it take to learn - Posted by GL - ON

Posted by GL - ON on July 09, 2003 at 19:33:13:

I don’t know anything about them except what I read on their web site in the last 10 minutes. But it appears you can use their service free of charge by letting one of their associates handle the sale for you.

In any case it takes 12 days to sign up a deal, according to their schedule. But that is starting from scratch with no prospects.

You might give them a trial on one property and if it pans out, buy the package. But notice for your $259.95, you get their service for one year only.

Re: How lond does it take to learn - Posted by Brent_IL

Posted by Brent_IL on July 09, 2003 at 17:18:11:

It’s not rocket science. If you can receive the package in time, place the ad, and get it published soon enough, you can shoot for Thursday.

How long? sory, kant speel - Posted by js-Indianapolis

Posted by js-Indianapolis on July 09, 2003 at 17:07:06:

didnt speel chek teh subjetc lin.

Re: How lond does it take to learn - Posted by Mickey

Posted by Mickey on July 10, 2003 at 01:24:03:

Rumor has it that NoDiscount will no longer be offering the system to the public and new prospects must go through a Nodiscount local affiliate. The 259 fee includes updates for one year and access to discussion topics related to the system.

Apparently new users are misusing the system and now nodiscount requires everyone to use one of their affiliates.

Re: How lond does it take to learn - Posted by js-Indianapolis

Posted by js-Indianapolis on July 09, 2003 at 17:27:31:

How about having enough time to get notebuyers set up, and whatever I need for the “gambits”. Not real sure what all the gambits are, or if they need any thing besides just offering them on a flyer. Yes? No?

Have you used NoDiscount? Is it just that, set up a voicemail with caller ID trapper, place an ad, then wait for the phone to ring? Seems to simple.

Re: How lond does it take to learn - Posted by Brent_IL

Posted by Brent_IL on July 10, 2003 at 12:58:59:

I’ve never used the NoDiscount method. However, I did use the 5-day method, which is similar, once, to find a cash buyer when few were around. My acquisition price was O.K. but given the specifics, it would have been harder than usual to discount the cash flow, so I wanted to sell outright if I could do it without listing the property. I wound up with slightly higher than actual market value. Considering the economic situation at that point in time it was very surprising to me. I didn?t particularly enjoy the telephone round-robin thing too much, but it certainly worked. .

Re: How lond does it take to learn - Posted by J

Posted by J on July 09, 2003 at 17:58:24:

There’s more people on this board that use nodiscount than you think. It took me about two days to put everything together and 10 minutes to place the first

NoDiscount gives you a list of notebuyers, gambits, resources, flyers, … but I have yet to use any of of the notebuyers. They say in today’s easy money lending market there’s no need to use notebuyers since sub prime lenders can offer the same or better.

To fully understand the system it’ll take about three weeks to really obsorb the details of why and how things work the way they do.

After you’ve done the first one you’ll wonder why it’s so $%%^^%$# easy and why everyone isn’t selling this way.

It isn’t the voicemail or gambits that make this thing works, it’s how everything is put together.

I’ll cross my finger and pray it will work for you too. :wink:

Brent just so you know for future refs… - Posted by Jay

Posted by Jay on July 10, 2003 at 17:31:08:

Nodiscount is 100% internet based. I was able to access my account in less than a day. The only similarity between nodiscount and 5 day method is the round robin part. 90% of the materials covered in nodiscount are not included in 5 day book.


Re: Brent just so you know for future refs… - Posted by js-Indianapolis

Posted by js-Indianapolis on July 12, 2003 at 21:23:42:

Thanks for the info. I surfed all over reading No Discount’s board last night. Got the system figured out now. It’s more than I thought it was. Also, I got a lot of the “Why?” from Sol himself, via posts. I’m planning on using it as early as next week if I can get it learned by then.

I’ve got two homes, very similar in size, features, and location. Few minutes apart. I was wondering how No Discount might work with marketing two homes at once. If the people don’t like one, they can go see the other.

Think I could sell two with one run through the system?

Thanks, I’ll check it out. - NTXT - Posted by Brent_IL

Posted by Brent_IL on July 10, 2003 at 22:44:58:
