how do you do a quick sale where do you advertise? - Posted by shemi

Posted by Shemi {Deb} on October 06, 2009 at 02:11:12:

I’m desperate! & need advice, I’m loosing my home,I have about a week or so to get $7000. where is the best place to advertise online? also Where to find quick loan company? either I need to do a quick sale by Oct 20th or borrow the money to save it, I considered maybe to get new credit card, but takes too long, please help with any suggestions on what to do?

how do you do a quick sale where do you advertise? - Posted by shemi

Posted by shemi on October 04, 2009 at 05:34:37:

I need info on how to do a quick sale for cash asap, I am not advertising here, I just need to know how go about doing a very quick sale, in short I own a few properties, and been trying hard to advertise and its not paying off, I look desperate my ads, but I have so much pressure & I’m so stressed out also someone emailied me from my ad saying that I am scam, but I explained to them I have proeprty for sell, still they think that I am, regardless I am desperate to sell something, I have less than 2 weeks come up with some cash to pay off my debts, so please someone help me any info on where to advertise or how to sell a property for a quick sell, any advice what I can do, I even thought about going to the bank for 80% of home value, but that is too risky for me, they need fixing up, not sure if I can make payments to bank, please let me know your suggestions, I have been so stressed out about it, thank you!