How do I Flip an Occupied Junker??? - Posted by Jay

Posted by DaveD (WI) on August 15, 2006 at 12:05:02:

I’d say you answered your own question.

Unless you make it worth your $sellers$ time, do you really expect him to traipse your buyers through? In his view, isn’t that why he is selling it to you cheaply to begin with?

How do I Flip an Occupied Junker??? - Posted by Jay

Posted by Jay on August 15, 2006 at 11:32:19:

Hi everyone,

How do I handle this: I got a house under contract that
I can wholesale quickly. The house is still functional (plumbing, elec. etc.) smelly, dirty and seller still lives there! yuk. (besides the obvious…don’t buy occupied houses)…HOW DO I HANDLE sending potential Investors to the house?


Re: How do I Flip an Occupied Junker??? - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by IB (NJ) on August 15, 2006 at 14:01:15:

Or pick a day where the seller allows your ‘partners’ to come in and look at the property. It should be no more than a 2 hour span so as to not inconvenience your seller. Afterwards, your partners make you an offer on the property.

One other thing: under no circumstances do you send your partners by the house alone. You will be there and they are not to discuss money at the site. In fact, they don’t speak to the seller at all. Only you.


Re: How do I Flip an Occupied Junker??? - Posted by Joe Kaiser

Posted by Joe Kaiser on August 15, 2006 at 12:37:58:

You go in from the very beginning with the understanding that this is
what you do, that you’ll be sending people through, that you’ll be
expecting to make a profit, and that doing so is okay by the seller.

It only becomes a problem when he doesn’t understand the game plan.
It’s a get on the same page with the seller thing.
