How do I find investors in Northwest Indiana - Posted by James

Posted by John Corey on December 09, 2005 at 11:54:04:


Tell us more about the deals. Sale price, rent vs. expenses, and other such things. It could be that you have little to offer or that all the possible local investors have purchased.

Have you considered selling to the tenants?

You might market to out of state investors. If you go that route you need to have property management lined up so that it is a turn-key deal.

John Corey

How do I find investors in Northwest Indiana - Posted by James

Posted by James on December 09, 2005 at 10:23:52:

I have an overflow of investment properties to get rid of most with pre-estabished renters and at least 10k in equity in the properties and I am having a hard time finding investors. Does anyone have any suggestions on finding investors?