How can I start? - Posted by Casey L.

Posted by Rick Wheat on July 06, 2000 at 04:39:25:

in my humble opinion, is to get involved with your local REIA Club. GAREIA (Georgia Real Estate Investors Association) is the largest and one of the best run organizations of that sort in the country. They always have great speakers at their meetings, have people willing to help you get started, and have access to any and all the contacts you would need.

I don’t have a phone number for the membership committee, but I understand they advertise in the local paper about their meetings. If you are serious about REI, you can’t afford not to give these guys a try.


Rick Wheat

How can I start? - Posted by Casey L.

Posted by Casey L. on July 05, 2000 at 16:49:04:

I am a 20 yr. old student in Atlanta and I want to get started in real estate investing. Only problem is I dont have any extra money and a very limited credit history(it is good, though). I have been using all available resources to educate myself and feel if I dont do it now, I never will. Can anyone tell me how to get started without much to start with? Also which real estate courses are worth the money?