How can I get a local appraiser to give me - Posted by B Ina Bliss

Posted by Charles on August 07, 2001 at 09:38:34:

you might try some real esate club in your local area to find private investors for up to six months to start paying back loan. you will need to get your own estimates, be careful with contractors, I do appraisal work here in Indiana. and have done rehabs in my area, I deal directly with the sub contractors.

How can I get a local appraiser to give me - Posted by B Ina Bliss

Posted by B Ina Bliss on July 24, 2001 at 11:37:26:

an estimate of value, or even an appraisal on value,


repairs on the home I live in?

The deed for the house is in the estate of my late husband, but I have an order by the court to “sell property for the amount owed on date of prospective purchase” (to my business). Had to get it, for co-heirs are not cooperating.

What is the best way to obtain a 60-day remodeling loan?

I live in West-Odessa, TX.

Would really appreciate any input!