Home was set for auction 8/1/02 at 11:00am - Posted by NM Tampa

Posted by John Merchant on November 06, 2002 at 21:27:35:

Sounds almost as if the woman’s a “squatter” in the house illegally, but there’s a fairly simple way to check who owns the house now.

Ask a local title company to do a title search so you can learn who is listed legal owner. If your bargain’s that good, then the few hundred bucks a title opinion would cost you wouldn’t be too much to spend. And surely you’re going to be hesitant to spend any serious money on the property without knowing you’re dealing with the right owners.

And a question for you: when you went to the courthouse did you find the court file? If so, you might want to go look at it again and see if there are any documents showing any action since the final J was entered. That’d tell you what’s happened since the J, if anything. And that’s free for the looking.

Home was set for auction 8/1/02 at 11:00am - Posted by NM Tampa

Posted by NM Tampa on November 06, 2002 at 20:28:59:

I called a FSBO ad and the woman told me she wanted to sell a.s.a.p. but didn’t really know what was owed. I went to the courthouse and found a final judgement that stated the home was set for auction 8/1/02 at 11:00am. I just talked to the same woman on the phone on 11/06/02 and there were no other records concerning the property. Does anybody know what might have happened? How is she still in the house?

Thanks for any help!!