HML have balls - Posted by Myles

Posted by Rob Ricker on March 16, 2004 at 19:58:09:

I agree. I’d never use hard money. Private money is the best, and the mortgage company is 2nd best in my mind.

HML have balls - Posted by Myles

Posted by Myles on March 16, 2004 at 18:46:50:

You know allot of these hard money lenders have allot of balls…

If they are hard money, why ask for the credit report? Another thing, why charge all these points? If you have a BAD credit score, then I understand the 15-19%, but for some with a good credit score, and needs cash now, one should NOT pay POINTS and fees.

If they are “banks” then I understand the credit check, but if are NOT “banks”, WHY run the tri merge, and credit check? Then they are NOT real HML.

Can someone explain… Why these guys want to run credit checks if they are NOT banks? One group called “rehab funding” wants you to have a 620 FICO in order for them to even do business with you. Is that hard money? NO !!

Its a f*&^king scam, and we should wake up and smell the coffee. I am NOT PAYING ANYONE 9% to fill out an application then another 15% for the loan… NO way Jose…

Re: HML have balls - Posted by ken

Posted by ken on March 18, 2004 at 18:09:36:

You are right,use part of your millions to do your deals. What’s that I hear, you don’t have any money ? Then don’t do any deals.

Re: HML have balls - Posted by Tom-Pa

Posted by Tom-Pa on March 18, 2004 at 12:16:41:

It’s the old golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules.