Help with this client - Posted by John

Posted by michael schindler on July 19, 2004 at 09:47:26:

If she can prove income, etc., try her FHA full documentation (of course)

Help with this client - Posted by John

Posted by John on July 18, 2004 at 20:06:13:

Any lenders out there that can help with this client

Property in good shape appraised for $113,000.00
Mortgage balance $75,000.00 @15% interest
She has a Business and she needs to refinance to bring interest down and cash out some I need like 85% LTV refi
the problem with her is that her credit is to new and we can work only with alternative credit, any help will be appreciated, the hard money loan will ballon in 60 days

My client is located in Florida, please email me, thanks in advance for you imput

John FL
Investor Equity Capital, LLC