Help please with Orlando? - Posted by Tiffany

Posted by Rob FL on January 31, 2001 at 10:11:31:

Yes it will work in Orlando. There are lots of investors here doing exactly what you are doing. Come to our investment club when you get here.

Help please with Orlando? - Posted by Tiffany

Posted by Tiffany on January 31, 2001 at 07:41:42:

I will soon be relocating to Orlando Florida and was wondering if this city will be a good place to begin with REI. I bought the CS course a few years ago but now I may be getting brave enough to try it especially after reading all the great posts on this message board! Anybody know whether Orlando will work for this?

Re: Help please with Orlando? - Posted by Tim Conde

Posted by Tim Conde on February 01, 2001 at 20:13:22:

I’m very heavily invested in Orlando and love it. But there’s a catch. The local economy, in my view, does not support long term rentals that well. The wages are just not on a par to support the kinds of houses that are in Orlando and vicinity. I’ve gone for vacation rentals that I can rent on a weekly basis to tourists. Much higher overhead, to be sure, but much higher profits as well.
