Help in MA. - Posted by Dan/MA

Posted by Ryan on May 07, 2001 at 06:18:36:

Hey Paul

Where are you located? I’m up in Essex county in the Haverhill area.

Help in MA. - Posted by Dan/MA

Posted by Dan/MA on May 06, 2001 at 21:06:05:

Hi, My Name is Dan,
I am a a Full time REI in Ma, or at least trying to be,
I have been searching for Deals like a Mad man,unfortunately, with no luck.
I have been on the hunt Full time for the last 4 months, Have formed a network of sorts,And have two Investors waiting in the wings for me to
make them some money,But I haven’t been able to find any deals that are “Actual” Deals.
I was hoping to Find a REI in Ma, through this Group, That might be able to
help,I must be doing Something wrong
I am interested in Rehabbing…
Please Help Me out,
I’ve been Burning up my Savings and am now reaching the Bottom of the well.
Thank You

Re: Help in MA. - Posted by Paul_MA

Posted by Paul_MA on May 07, 2001 at 02:13:53:

If i remember correctly, you are in Worcester. Can’t you find any abandoned properties there? Check the local clerks office for all out of town owners. Send them letters. Find landlords.

Hunt for motivated sellers.