Have properties - what next? - Posted by Rick Lewis

Posted by kwack41 on October 28, 2004 at 22:55:17:

Rick I’m in the Twin Cities. Why don’t you e-mail me your contact information and lets talk.

Have properties - what next? - Posted by Rick Lewis

Posted by Rick Lewis on October 27, 2004 at 14:34:30:

Sorry if you read this in the other section of the site. I am a true newbie to this site and did not realize where I was making the post. Below was what I posted. Thanks.

I am a licensed Mortgage Broker that recently started working with investor more and more over the last 2 years. In doing so I have been almost attacking them and FSBO people to generate loans. While doing that, I end up now with properties all over the place that seem like very nice deals but do not have enough investor contacts to do anything with them. I am looking for any help in what to do with them or even someone to purchase them. As broker I have countless financing options from 95% interest only loans to 100% for investors. My specialty is subprime lending which I have done for 8 years. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Have properties - what next? - Posted by investor

Posted by investor on October 28, 2004 at 17:39:28:

Rick, where are you located? Where are the properties located? Give me a few examples!


Re: Have properties - what next? - Posted by Rick Lewis

Posted by Rick Lewis on October 28, 2004 at 18:21:17:

I am in MN and have about 125 FSBO properties that I am playing with in various stages. I am a Mortgage Lender/Broker - SLASH many things and work with investors in and around this area. The key here is I am getting the properties, looking into them and sometimes making a deal here and there but seems like I am buyer short or just can not keep up.

I do also get properties all over. I have a 5 duplex set in North Dakota that to me all look like good deals for an investor that wants to hold on to them for the cash flow. Just have no investors out there.

I also have a huge deal out in Washington and 3 of the best plots of land you can think of in Florida. So, I got some stuff!! Finding it happens to be easy. Knowing what to do with it or actually doing it is another thing.

I do have most of my MN stuff covered as I work with a very good group here but not even they can handle everything in the state.

I have a super nice 6000 sq ft home in Andover, MN that is priced at 835K but I can get it for 775K and know that it is worth 995K right now. It needs very little work at all. It is huge with an indoor heated pool and all kinds of stuff. Just the folks I have here all want metro or south of the river.

Anyway, where are you and can you help?
