Had to post it - Posted by Briton (IN)

Posted by Briton (IN) on September 07, 2004 at 15:29:09:

Thank you for taking the time to congratulate me. Your books and teaching has helped me reach this goal. I would love to make it to Atlanta next month but do not have the cash due to my transitional period i am going through at this time. I would love to make the next one though. I hope you will continue doing them so i have the chance to hear you speak live someday! Again thank you for taking time to care for others. Not many people do that these days. God bless,Briton (IN)

Had to post it - Posted by Briton (IN)

Posted by Briton (IN) on September 07, 2004 at 24:31:04:

While I am on here posting i had to share my awsome news. I quit my “clock in JOB”. I have just 4 more days. Now first i must say I owe this news to my my beautiful wife (for working that JOB!). I also owe it to my hard working teen-age years and my parent’s hospitality during those times of saving.

But anwho… I am thrilled. Now i can put all my time into what i love. I know my time is better spent on long term investing anyways. It will be fun. I should also have more time :slight_smile: Anyways thank you to Lonnie and all who have posted here. Your help is wonderfull. Briton (IN)

Re: Had to post it - Posted by Eli

Posted by Eli on September 07, 2004 at 11:46:43:

Congraulations!!! I remember the day I did the same, what a great feeling!

When I did this I had a lot of critisism from others, my favorite line when confronted was, “I HAD to quit my job so that I could start making money.” It shut most people up. Within 6 months I had made more money then my parents, aunts and uncles or grandparents had ever made in any one year. Now I dont have to say anything to keep them quiet, now I like it when they talk because it is usually because they want to do the same as I have and they want advise.

Anyway, COngradulations

Re: Had to post it - Posted by Michael Reed (GA)

Posted by Michael Reed (GA) on September 07, 2004 at 11:05:42:

Congratulations Briton,

I cant wait until I can do the same thing in the future. Good luck and I hope you never have to work a JOB again.

Michael Reed, GA

Re: Had to post it - Posted by Tony-VA/NC

Posted by Tony-VA/NC on September 07, 2004 at 09:23:52:

Congrats Briton!

Financial Independence from that job is an amazing feeling and opportunity.

You now have the time to grow Your assets instead of someone elses and you now have the time to live they way you choose.

Way to go.


Re: Had to post it - Posted by Lonnie

Posted by Lonnie on September 07, 2004 at 06:40:47:

Hi Briton,
Congratulations! You?ve done what most people only dream of doing. Now, instead of spending a third of your life working a job, you can spend it on making real money and achieving financial security and financial freedom. Your success, at such a young age, should be a real inspiration to everyone.
All the best,

PS And my best to your wife. Sounds like you?re a great team.